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Discover the Vltava, the river of Prague

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The Prague river, the Vltava, is very well known ! Indeed, it crosses the city and bisects it, offering its inhabitants the perfect opportunity to stroll and enjoy the warm summer evenings, in particular. But the Vltava is more than just Prague’s river. The river flows through a huge part of the Czech Republic. A river you’ll find almost everywhere you go!

Which river flows through Prague ?

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If you’re familiar with Prague, or if you’ve never been there before, you’ll have noticed that the city is bisected by a river. This is the Vltava (its Czech name), known in France as the Moldau. 

guide prague 1

Find out everything you need to know about Prague in our comprehensive guide to the Czech capital!

How many kilometers is the Vltava ?

From its source to its end point, the Vltava is some 430 kilometers long. It’s a well-known river in the Czech Republic, and one that’s particularly popular with locals, not least because it’s ideal for a wide range of water sports and family activities. 

Where does the Prague river flow ?

The Vltava, the river of Prague, crosses the entire Bohemia region, from the far south to the north. It passes through some of the country’s prettiest towns. These include Český Krumlov, České Budějovice or Písek and then Prague. It then flows upstream to Mělník, where it joins the Elbe. 

What to do in Prague's river ?

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Outdoor activities, farmers’ markets or even parties and other events, there are countless things to do on the Naplavka and Vltava side. Find out which ones. 

Outdoor activities

Cruises are organized in Prague and other major cities, while you can also kayak down the river. Others prefer to take a pedal-boat tour, to take full advantage of the view of the capital’s monuments – yes, pedal-boat tours are limited to a fairly small area !

Evenings and events

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In addition to these outdoor, more nature-oriented activities, it’s also possible to enjoy the river in Prague in a very different way. How ? The evenings organized on Naplavka, the river banks. This is where you’ll find numerous alternative music concerts, as well as bars that are either advanced on the banks or directly embedded in the stone.

The parties on the banks of the Vltava are very famous and attract huge crowds. It’s the ideal place to chat and exchange ideas. Some of the bars are very famous, so be sure to get there on time or you risk running out of places.

parc et jardins prague

Find out about our selection of amazing and refreshing parks and gardens in Prague. Cool spots for nature lovers.

Farmers' markets

The other great find is the farmers’ markets. In fact, there are a great many of them held here throughout the year, on the banks of the Prague River. 

These markets are an opportunity for small producers to showcase their products. There are also markets focusing on French food, Asian food, burgers, etc., so you can enjoy international flavors to the full.


Last but not least, for those who want to enjoy a moment of relaxation, some of the boats that float on the Vltava all year round offer beach volleyball, exhibitions, plays and even a sauna ! The Lazne na lodi acts as a spa and sauna in the middle of winter, for an absolutely improbable experience on the banks of Prague’s river.

All about the Vltava, Prague's river

The Vltava is much more than Prague’s river. It’s a place of life and activity in the very heart of the city. It’s a place where many people love to go, especially as soon as the fine summer days start to show. 

Want to discover more about Prague? Check out our list of must-do activities and our list of activities that get off the beaten track, for more surprises.